Grievance Redressal Cell

At Jammu Observer, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of journalistic integrity and ensuring that our content meets the expectations of our readers. We understand that concerns and feedback are an integral part of this process, and we are dedicated to addressing any grievances promptly and effectively.

How to Raise a Grievance:

If you have any concerns or complaints regarding our content, editorial policies, or any other matter, please do not hesitate to contact our Grievance Redressal Cell. We value your feedback and are here to resolve any issues you may have.

Contact Details:

Please include the following details in your grievance email:

  • Your name and contact information
  • A detailed description of your concern or complaint
  • Any relevant documents or evidence, if applicable

Our Process:

Upon receiving your grievance, our team will review it thoroughly and aim to address it as quickly as possible. We are committed to ensuring transparency and fairness in our grievance redressal process and will keep you informed of the progress and resolution of your issue.

Thank you for helping us maintain the quality and integrity of Jammu Observer. Your feedback is crucial to our continuous improvement.